Unfortunately, racism continues to be a problem in Germany, an issue which once again reached its tragic climax in February 2020 when a racially motivated terrorist killed nine people before killing himself in the city of Hanau near Frankfurt.
Two years later and the attack is still fresh in people’s minds. For the International Week against Racism, Hanau’s basketball team made a clear statement to not forget, to stand up to racist hate and embrace diversity and tolerance. For one extraordinary match, home team WHITE WINGS Hanau and their opponents Depant GIESSEN 46ers exchanged their jerseys. The special edition jerseys proclaimed in big letters: ‘Colour makes no difference. Not in sports and certainly not when it comes to skin colour’. The creative concept and communicative implementation came from Serviceplan Campaign.
This professional campaign titled 'Jersey Swap for Tolerance' was published in Germany in July, 2022. It was created for the brand: German Basketball, by ad agency: Serviceplan Campaign. This Experiential and Integrated media campaign is related to the Public Interest and Sports industries and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 2 years ago.