Today, we are living through a decisive period in the fight against cancer: thanks to advances in research and science, 66%* of cancers can be cured. Even if the number of cancers continues to rise, particularly in young adults, with more support and resources, this rate could reach 80% by 2040.
For World Cancer Day, Gustave Roussy, ranked number one in Europe and number four in the world in the fight against cancer, is once again speaking out through the film ‘Lucie’. It retraces the life of a young woman, from her birth, her joys, her encounters and her trials, in particular the illnesses she may have encountered during her life but which did not kill her thanks to advances in science and medicine, including the discovery of her rare cancer at the age of 36.
Conceived by Publicis Conseil, directed by Jaco Van Dormael and produced by Hamlet, the film ‘Lucie’ takes the gamble of using only scientific images to tell this story (scanners, MRIs, microscopes, 3D). It highlights the beauty of these images beyond their raw meaning, the poetry that can emerge from them to pay tribute to all the researchers, doctors and specialists who over the centuries have transformed what were once serious illnesses into benign ones, saving many lives in the process. Like most of us, Lucie lives her life without even thinking about all the times when science and medicine have enabled her to go on living.
A film that highlights the importance of science and its progress
At the age of 36, Lucie developed a rare cancer with a poor prognosis. The sequencing of her tumour enables her to receive a personalised treatment that saves her life. This revolutionary method, democratised by Gustave Roussy, identifies mutations in cancer cells, enabling a precise diagnosis and more effective personalised treatment.
“In a world where cancer affects one person in two and more and more young adults, we want to show that the disease is a stage in life from which the majority of sufferers are now recovering, thanks to scientific progress. Lucie's story is the story of thousands of patients. This film makes Gustave Roussy, its doctors, researchers and professionals part of the history of major scientific advances,” says Professor Fabrice Barlesi, CEO of Gustave Roussy.
A hopeful campaign calling for donations to speed up research
Gustave Roussy is relaunching its call for donations to boost cancer research. The resources allocated to research can transform the future: the challenge is immense, now more than ever is the time to believe in it, and it is donations that will make the difference and make it possible.
We can all play a part in this fight. We can be the generation that cures cancer.
To make a donation:
Or send DON by SMS at 92250* to make a 10€ donation
The campaign will be broadcast on TV and digital from Tuesday 4 February 2025.
The campaign was designed as a pro-bono campaign by Publicis Conseil, accompanied by Prodigious and Publicis Media. We would like to thank Hamlet for their support and generosity in producing this film, as well as the advertising broadcasters, in particular TF1 Pub, FTP, M6 Pub, CBS, BFM RMC ADS, AMAURY, BEVIACOM and REGIS. Thanks also to Cambridge University for making their images available.
This professional campaign titled 'Lucie' was published in France in February, 2025. It was created for the brand: Gustave Roussy, by ad agency: Publicis Conseil. This Integrated medium campaign is related to the Health industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted about 1 month ago.