This professional campaign titled 'Yellow, Blue, Red, Green' was published in India in April, 2016. It was created for the brand: adidas, by ad agency: DDB. This Print medium campaign is related to the Fashion industry and contains 4 media assets. It was submitted almost 9 years ago.
Advertising Agency: DDB Mudra, Delhi, India
Chief Creative Officer: Sonal Dabral
Creative Head: Sambit Mohanty
Creative Director: Subhashish Dutta
Art Directors: Suketu Gohel, Prem Alayil, Srikant Behera
Copywriters: Dushyant Singh, Tripti Surana, Sambit Mohanty, Vishnu Srivatsav, Vijay Joseph
Illustrator: TwinBrains
Photographer: Tarun Khiwal