Adobe Photoshop

What if international artists exist in our current era?

School: The Higher Institute Of Applied Arts


What if international artists exist in our current era? Would they have left the international paintings as they are, or would there have been some modern additions to suit the current time? This is exactly what I have done to make these faded colors more lively, to put touches that transfer these global characters to part of the current reality. It is only the view of an artist from another era to resurrect These paintings again in a new dress suitable for modernity and make it an interface for Photoshop

This student campaign titled 'What if international artists exist in our current era?' was published in Egypt in January, 2023. It was created for the brand: Adobe Photoshop, by ad school: The Higher Institute Of Applied Arts. This Design, Digital, and Experiential media campaign contains 7 media assets. It was submitted over 1 year ago.


Advertising Agency :The Higher Institute Of Applied Arts
Art director :Aya mahmoud hussien


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