The story revolves around Mr Magdy, the owner of a medium-sized company, who falls into the trap of overthinking the various expenses of the company to the point of madness. The solution comes in the form of a CIB Visa credit card, which offers him a wide range of benefits that help solve his company’s problems.
This professional campaign titled 'Visa CIB' was published in Egypt in September, 2024. It was created for the brand: CIB Bank, by ad agency: Leo Burnett. This Film medium campaign is related to the Finance industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted 4 months ago by Director / Creative Director : Sherif Mounir of Freelancer.
Director: Sherif Mounir
Leo Burnett Team
Diana Abdalla George, Nihal Elfalah, Reem Elgabaly, Nader Moussa
Creative Director: Rami Badr
Everyone team
Executive Producer: Ammar Abushady
HOP: Gihad Abushady
Producer: Ahmed Nashaat
Post producer: Tarek Hassan
And the rest of the team
DOP: Mostafa Elkashef
1st AD: Ahmed Hosny
2nd AD: Buthaina AlAzab
3rd AD: Youssef Shabrawy
Production Designer: Omar Alaa
Art Director: Anan Fathi
And the rest of the team
Stylist: Nada Khedr
Casting Agency: Target Casting Agency
Main Cast: Ehab Magdy - Asmaa Sobhy
Edit: Hussain Mokhtar / Vivid
Color Grading: Ahmed Gendy / LZRD
Online: Ahmed Sobhy / LZRD
Sound Design: The Garage, Hosny Ali