M.A.L.I. Movement

Traditional Virginity Test

Agency: TBWA


M.A.L.I. Movement has chosen February the 14th, Valentine’s Day - a day that epitomizes love and togetherness, to launch a campaign against women’s ‘virginity testing’, breaking the myth of the ‘unbreakable’ hymen and shedding light on a patriarchal concept that still roams around the world, even in modern societies: ‘women’s virginity’; a symbol of women’s oppression.
For years, bed sheets have been used for ‘virginity testing’. The ritual is performed in Morocco and many countries across Middle East and North Africa to prove a woman’s ‘purity’, basing her worth on a bloodstain. During the night of the wedding, guests wait outside the room for the virginity to be publicly proved after the first intercourse. Not bleeding can be life-threatening and might include physical and verbal abuse, shunning, divorce, rape, ‘honor killing’ and suicide, affecting the women’s fate, the fate of their family, their ‘honor’ and safety.
M.A.L.I. is turning the tables by using the bed sheet to debunk the hymen myth and fight this demeaning ritual. The campaign’s hero asset, the bed sheet, is packaged in a colorful crafted box, including a 24-pages informative booklet that describes the perils of ‘virginity testing’ and denounces this practice. The bed sheet kit is listed for sale on an exclusive microsite:, where visitors are surprisingly re-directed to a series of real-life testimonials and facts, upon adding the product to their carts.

This professional campaign titled 'Traditional Virginity Test' was published in United Arab Emirates in February, 2021. It was created for the brand: M.A.L.I. Movement, by ad agency: TBWA. This Integrated medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 6 media assets. It was submitted over 3 years ago.


Advertising Agency: TBWA\RAAD, UAE


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