Situation Stockholm

The Entrepreneurs

Agency: T&Pm

Di is short for "Dagens Industri" which is a Swedish daily newspaper that focuses on business and economic current affairs. Its the biggest business newspaper in Sweden.


Situation Stockholm is a street paper sold in Stockholm by homeless people so they can earn their own money. But the vendors aren't merely salespeople. They buy newspapers from Situation Sthlm and sell them for twice the price. They invest their own money and work hard to achieve their goal–just like any other entrepreneur.

In the campaign, four of Situation Stockholm's vendors have been portrayed as typical entrepreneurs. The campaign aims to change the image of what an entrepreneur is and does. Not everyone wants to be a billionaire or change the world. Some just want a decent life and their own bed to sleep in.

This professional campaign titled 'The Entrepreneurs' was published in Sweden in July, 2024. It was created for the brand: Situation Stockholm, by ad agency: T&Pm. This Print medium campaign is related to the Finance, Media, and Public Interest industries and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted 8 months ago.


Advertising Agency: T&Pm Nordics, Stockholm, Sweden
Creative Director: Timo Orre
Art Director: Olle Dahlqvist,
Art Director: Ben Alasuvanto
Art Director: Agneta Norlin
Copywriter: Niklas Hertzberg
Copywriter: Waltteri Nironen
Media: Fredrik Pettersson
Media: Linda Öberg

Production Company: Crosby, Stockholm, Sweden

Client: Situation Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden
CEO: Pia Stolt


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