
Sparked by nature

Agency: Insight Group

Sparked By Nature


If inspiration doesn't come knocking,
Go to where you can breathe freely,
Take in the surroundings,
Embrace it,
Whatever you imagine,
believe it,
and chase it,
Go into the dream state,
Wander and wonder,
Sparked by nature.

This professional campaign titled 'Sparked by nature' was published in China in January, 2024. It was created for the brand: Huawei, by ad agency: Insight Group. This Film medium campaign is related to the Electronics, Technology industry and contains 7 media assets. It was submitted 4 months ago.


Production: INSIGHT
导演Director: Zhang Qu 张曲
摄影指导Director Of Photography: 赵旭辉
创意Creative: Sting 廖瓦
监制Executive Producer: 罗婵 吴玉
副导演Assistant Director: 钟嵘
制片Producer: 钟雪莹 林茂
统筹Coordinator: 董孟毅 许善怡 钟雪莹
助理Assistant: 马娟娜
外联制片Producer: 关永安 胡旭强
执行制片Producer: 潘滔平 张锦豪
编剧Scriptwriter: 张曲
文案Copywriting: 刘艳 张曲 钟雪莹
摄影助理 Camera Assistant: 刘学 李志 姜天野 曹艳龙
Trinity: 贺朝阳
灯光师Gaffer: 曹要宾
灯光助理Assistant: 鲁帅伟 贾记磊 曹伟要
航拍师Aerial: 崔凯 王宜坤
移动Crane: 钟龙烘
移动助理Assistant: 沈文熙 赵飞
美术指导 Art Director: 刘瑾
美术Art: 王智源 陈颖康
道具Props Master: 李国华
道具助理Assistant: 丘玉和 刘善辉 董春林
造型Styling: 叶凤茹
造型助理Styling Assistant: 陈颖清
发型Hair Stylist: 李争
化妆Make-up: 叶梨
剪辑Editor: 欧杰
作曲Composer: Jake Sanderson
调色ColoristYC: 光耀
精修OnlineSc: 审美相通
后期ProducerAmy: 涛涛 鑫鑫
三维CG: 麦应俊 鲍成杰 曾观勇 林泽阳 陆智浩
制片Produce: 朱少芬 邱惠芳
平面设计Designer: 张曲
分镜Board: 张文哲
插画IllustrationVince: Low Sun Wing
字幕动画Subtitle Animation: 戴彩玲
演员Starring: 章诗意 王立兵
特别鸣谢Special Thanks To: 邵铭远 闫静 程诺 鑫贝 妙妙屋


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