During the past decade, Russian real estate market has been discrediting itself: cheated investors, frozen construction projects, bankrupts… Today it is risky to buy an apartment in building still on the construction stage. Though all the developers promise a lot to their potential clients, the reality is not so inspiring.
City XXI vek Development is one of a few Russian developers who has the highest AAA rating among the Russian developers. We decided to show people what that means: instead of promising, we do our job and give people what they really need.
This professional campaign titled 'Sell apartments — not talks' was published in Russia in April, 2017. It was created for the brand: City XXI vek Development, by ad agency: Possible. This OOH Outdoor medium campaign is related to the Industrial, Agriculture industry and contains 2 media assets. It was submitted about 7 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Possible, Moscow, Russia
Chief Creative Officer: Vlad Sitnikov
Creative Director: Artem Filimonov
Art Directors: Roman Antonov, Kirill Klipptenstein
Creatives: Mihail Sinelshchikov, Yuri Altufiev, Marat Arutyunov