In Ecuador, Easter is generally a date where people take the opportunity to party and drink alcoholic beverages, which causes them to feel the hangover death afterwards, and the most effective cure for that hangover is Ecuadorian ceviche, a seafood-based soup that will revive anyone.
That's why we decided to use a Renaissance style that is generally used to show the resurrection of Christ but this time showing contemporary situations.
This professional campaign titled 'Resurrection' was published in Ecuador in April, 2024. It was created for the brand: Los Cebiches de la Rumiñahui, by ad agency: BeFlamingo. This Print medium campaign is related to the Food industry and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted 10 months ago by Creative Director: José Aguilar of BeFlamingo.
Advertising agency: BeFlamingo
CEO: Isabella Durán
VP of Strategy: Germán Andrade
General Creative Director: Lorena Lozada
Creative Director: José Aguilar
Associate Creative Director: James Pérez
Art director: Diego Romero
Brand Partner: Camila Madriñan
Graphic Design: Michelle Pesantez and Daniela Palacios
Copywriter: Francisco García