
Proud, Ball, Proud, Light bulb, Proud, Grass

Agency: DDB

This professional campaign titled 'Proud, Ball, Proud, Light bulb, Proud, Grass' was published in Brazil in May, 2012. It was created for the brand: Placar, by ad agency: DDB. This Print medium campaign is related to the Media industry and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted about 12 years ago.


Advertising Agency: DDB, Brazil
Chief Creative Officer: Sergio Valente
Executive Creative Directors: Sergio Valente, Marco Versolato
Creative Directors: Sergio Valente, Gustavo Victorino, Wilson Mateos
Copywriters: Wilson Mateos, Sergio Valente
Art Director: Gustavo Victorino
Photographer: Rogerio Miranda
Art Buyers: Clariana Da Costa, Alessandra Salles
Account Supervisors: Monica de Carvalho, Maristela Pati Correa
Advertiser's Supervisor: Claudia Giudice

Guarana Antarctica


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