Pot Noodle launches internship platform to help students kick-start their careers With students struggling to get on the careers ladder, Pot Noodle has partnered with student market agency Raptor and recruitment site GradBay to promote over 150 paid internships across 7 exciting industries including music, film, gaming and tech will allow students to apply for the roles without using a CV or cover letter, to break into these unconventional industries. Over 150 brands are taking part to offer internships to students including Strawberries & Creem, Altitude Film and a Premier League football club
This professional campaign titled 'Pot Noodle Internships' was published in United Kingdom in April, 2022. It was created for the brand: Pot Noodle, by ad agency: GradBay and Raptor. This Integrated medium campaign is related to the Education and Food industries and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 2 years ago.