

Schools: Sancho BBDO VML Colombia


Cerveza Poker, el amigo que une a los amigos, estaba en problemas

Cada vez los jóvenes tienen menos amigos, pero más mascotas. Por eso convocamos a los mejores amigos del hombre -esos que no tienen pena- para ayudarlos a hacer nuevos amigos.

Cerveza Poker, the friend that brings friends together, was in trouble

As time goes by, young people have fewer friends, but more pets. That's why we summoned man's best friends - those who have no grief - to help them make new friends.

This student campaign titled 'PETacos' was published in Colombia in March, 2024. It was created for the brand: Poker, by ad schools: Sancho BBDO and VML Colombia. This Content, Digital, and Experiential media campaign is related to the Alcoholic Drinks, Other, and Pets industries and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted 4 months ago.


Advertising Agencies: VML Colombia, Sancho BBDO
Art Director: Sebastián Mayo Perdomo
Copywriter: Daniel Navarrete Barrera
Young Lions Colombia

Thomas' Breakfast


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