Parents' Wake Up Call
School: Southern Methodist University
ambino is a babysitting and childcare app that helps parents find trusted and recommended help at the touch of a button. Our team recognized that parents often don’t realize that they haven’t had a break or a date night in a while. We saw an opportunity to raise awareness about the convenience and efficiency of bambino, and their trusted sitters, all while sending parents a wake up call. We aimed to underscore ways in which devoted and loving parents can go can go and take care of themselves while not feeling guilty about leaving their kids alone. Parents and kids both can have a fun night out, or in with Bambino. Our campaign manifested itself in copy-driven ads that encouraged parents to take time for themselves and take a much needed break.
This student campaign titled 'Parents' Wake Up Call' was published in United States in December, 2022. It was created by ad school: Southern Methodist University. This Digital, OOH Outdoor, and Print media campaign is related to the House, Garden and Other industries and contains 4 media assets. It was submitted about 2 years ago by Student: Delaney Gendron of Southern Methodist University.
Southern Methodist University
Temerlin Advertising Institute, Dallas, TX
Art Director/Copywriter: Delaney Gendron
Art Director/Copywriter: Alexa May