
Have a Break

Agency: Wunderman Thompson UK


Wunderman Thompson UK has partnered with KitKat to demonstrate how iconic their tagline is, using only five letters to prove the enduring power of a consistent brand message.

KitKat introduced their ‘Have a Break, Have a KitKat’ tagline in 1957, and to this day it’s widely recognised all around the world. In fact, it’s a slogan so well-known that you don’t even have to finish it or add the brand name for people to recognise it, a strategy that worked for the brand 10 years ago with this award-winning ad.

Now KitKat goes one step further, pushing the boundaries of how many letters are needed on a poster to understand a brand message. Embracing the heritage of the brand, integrated marketing agency Wunderman Thompson UK has created a unique type of digital out-of-home poster. Going live this week at the O2 Arena in London, the poster brings the spirit of the brand to life in a way that only KitKat can… by taking a break halfway through creating the ad.

The poster shows only the five letters of ‘Have a’ in white text on a distinctive red background, with the space bar blinking where you would expect to see the word ‘Break’. In a survey run by Wunderman Thompson UK, well over half of people not only identified the brand, but also understood the brand message, demonstrating the power of the ‘Have a Break, Have a KitKat’ tagline.

This professional campaign titled 'Have a Break' was published in United Kingdom in May, 2023. It was created for the brand: KitKat, by ad agency: Wunderman Thompson UK. This Integrated medium campaign is related to the Confectionery, Snacks industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted about 1 year ago.


Brand: KitKat
Agency: Wunderman Thompson UK
Global Chief Creative Officer: Bas Korsten
Executive Creative Director: Tom Drew
Senior Copywriter: Kell Lunam-Cowan
Senior Art Director: Chris Jones
Global Client Lead; Inge Selawry
Business Director: Sam Brooks


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