Baloise, an insurance company, ventures into the virtual world by opening a branch in Los Santos, the fictional city in the Grand Theft Auto (GTA) video game series. This innovative move allows gamers to access insurance services within the game environment, offering protection against various virtual risks and dangers.
Key Features:
Insurance Solutions: Baloise offers a comprehensive range of insurance products within GTA V, including vehicle insurance for cars, motorcycles, bicycles, boats, and airplanes. Legal insurance facilitates quicker release from virtual prison, while liability insurance covers claims. Life insurance and accidental death insurance protect players' belongings upon virtual death.
Brand Presence: Baloise rebrands all banks and ATMs in Los Santos with its logo, enhancing its visibility and presence within the game world.
Virtual Branch Management: The virtual branch is managed by two general insurance agents who handle customer inquiries, investigate damages, and provide support and advice. Their adventures in Los Santos are livestreamed on Twitch and documented on YouTube and LinkedIn.
Campaign Execution:
Livestream on Twitch: General agents' activities are livestreamed on Twitch every Wednesday to Saturday from 6 pm to 10 pm, offering gamers a glimpse into their virtual adventures.
YouTube Video Series: Highlights from Los Santos are showcased in a video series on YouTube, capturing the most exciting moments from the virtual city.
LinkedIn Updates: General agents post daily reports from the branch on LinkedIn, providing security updates on Los Santos and live coverage of in-game events.
Audience Engagement:
The campaign targets gamers, leveraging the popularity of GTA V, which has sold over 190 million copies worldwide.
With Switzerland being a nation of gamers, the campaign aims to engage a wide audience across various age groups.
By offering multiple touchpoints across platforms like Twitch, YouTube, and LinkedIn, the campaign ensures widespread reach and engagement.
The "Grand Theft Insurance" campaign by Baloise creatively integrates insurance services into the virtual world of GTA V, catering to the needs of gamers while showcasing the brand's innovative approach to customer engagement.
This professional campaign titled 'Grand Theft Insurance' was published in Switzerland in February, 2024. It was created for the brand: Baloise, by ad agency: Publicis Inspire. This Integrated medium campaign is related to the Insurance industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted 11 months ago.