
Family Squabbles

Agency: Rosa Paris


As a kid, everyone dreaded getting their report card. You had to hide it, or yourself, face your dad’s glare, dumbfounded that you only got 6 out of 20 in maths… Yes, marks are undoubtedly THE topic of contention between children and parents. But not for Acadomia families, almost 90% of whom report that tensions about school have eased as a result of tutoring.

In a new set of 3 films, Acadomia takes a tongue-in-cheek approach to the arguments we’ve all gone through, showing that, thanks to the average 4 points (out of 20) rise in marks, parents will have to find a new reason to reprimand their kids. The films were directed by Rudi Rosenberg whose thoughtful and conscientious approach demonstrates his unquestionable ability to show how kids live.

A campaign in which Acadomia, France's leading tutoring service, asserts its ambition to make peace between parents and children when it comes to school results, while also making them proud of their progress. Today, 60% of parents say their child's self-fulfillment is a priority, even before academic success*, but they have never been so stressed about results.

With this campaign by ROSA PARIS, the brand underlines the importance of academic success, while inviting parents to rethink their approach to success, all with a healthy dose of humor.

A vision of education that is also embodied in Acadomia's new brand signature, "Le plaisir de réussir" ("The pleasure of success").

The three films will be broadcast on TV, online, and social media starting October 2.

This professional campaign titled 'Family Squabbles' was published in France in October, 2023. It was created for the brand: Acadomia, by ad agency: Rosa Paris. This Film medium campaign is related to the Education industry and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted 12 months ago.


Brand: Acadomia

Chairman and Managing Partner: Philippe Coléon

Deputy General Manager: Camille Bedin

Communications Director: Daphné Fourcault-Duflos

Head of Media & Social Media projects: Mélanie Leroy

Agency: Rosa Paris

Co-founders: Jean-Patrick Chiquiar,

Gilles Fichteberg, Jean-François Sacco

Designer-Writer: Diane Desclaux

Artistic Director: Claire Croteau

Consulting Director: Sacha Depouilly

Group Manager: François-Xavier de-Sousa

Strategic Planner: Alix Galinier

Head of Production: Elodie Jonquille

TV Producer: Héloise Duquenoy

Communications Director: Lauren Weber

Production: Division

Director: Rudi Rosenberg

Producer: Mounia Mebarki

Production: DIVISION


Sound production: HRCLS

Freewrite Traveler
Bolton & Quinn


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