Help fight internet nudity with the latest swimwear collection from blush Berlin on
Don't google "nude"! No! Don't! There are over 400 million websites with pornographic content according to US data base "Online Education". 25% of all search entries in Google and Yahoo are pornographic, adding up to 68 million porn searches a day!
But there is hope: the new "blush Denudilizer" on Just upload a nude picture and cover it with the latest swimwear of blush Berlin. Then save it in the picture gallery where there are already some funny examples of Denudification to discover. The idea: Slowly by slowly the clean versions will take over and search engines will start to show the purified pictures. Act now against nudism. All it takes is a few clicks.
This professional campaign titled 'De-nudilizer' was published in Germany in July, 2013. It was created for the brand: Blush, by ad agency: Glow. This Digital medium campaign is related to the Fashion industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 11 years ago.
Advertising Agency: Glow, berlin, Germany