NSI Group

The Future

Agency: Atlantis


The NSI Group, is a group that was born with the DNA of sustainability in all its projects and areas of activity. Reminding humanity of this commitment to the future is in the group’s DNA. Atlantis showed this DNA in an innovative and metaphorical way in a film that talks about the racing in which we are all part of. A survival race, which can be won by small actions in everyday life.

This professional campaign titled 'The Future' was published in Brazil in January, 2024. It was created for the brand: NSI Group, by ad agency: Atlantis. This campaign is related to the Industrial, Agriculture and Real Estate industries and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted 5 months ago.


Advertising Agency: Atlantis, São Paulo, Brazil
Global Creative Director: Sidney Araújo
Global Account Manager: Samara Araújo
Creative Team: Isa Nassar, Samara Araújo,Sidney Araújo
Client: NSI Group
VP of energy innovation: Aurélio Souza
CEO: Mario Arruda
Videos: Cottonbro/pexels


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