Brico Cash


Agency: Libre MullenLowe


To talk about its year-round stock and low prices, Bricocash has chosen to wink at the crazy scenes seen on Black Friday.

This professional campaign titled 'Relax!' was published in France in April, 2024. It was created for the brand: Brico Cash, by ad agency: Libre MullenLowe. This Film medium campaign is related to the Retail Services industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted about 2 months ago.


Advertising agency: Libre MullenLowe
Creative Director: Antoine Colin
Copywriter: Romain Duler
Art Director: Bastien Bourdier
Agency: Florent Kervot, Mélanie Pasquina, Laura Chaouche
Client: François Chardon, Muriel Dimiccoli
Director: Jean-Charles Charavin
Production: Room Service
Sound Production: Octopus

Mito Cafés Espe...


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