
Protect Your Local D

School: Miami Ad School


From our daily commute to the restrooms at our favorite (recently reopened, socially distanced) bars - penises graffiti are an everyday sight in this city. And for some reason, they’re always … so naked. So unprotected. It may only be graffiti, but the things we see everyday shape our subconscious and our everyday reality. We want that reality to be a safe one, so we’ve created a set of condom stickers designed to be posted on top of your local dick graffiti. Let’s wrap them up and change perceptions, for a new normal where any penis is a protected penis. And for added convenience, you can order a supply of condoms with your stickers at our instagram @protectyourlocal.d

This student campaign titled 'Protect Your Local D' was published in Germany in September, 2020. It was created for the brand: Durex, by ad school: Miami Ad School. This Ambient medium campaign is related to the Health and Personal Accessories industries and contains 2 media assets. It was submitted over 3 years ago by Seine Kongruangkit of FCB Chicago.


Advertising School: Miami Ad School, Berlin, Germany
Art Director: Seine Kongruangkit
Copywriter: Aniko Legner

Grin Scooters


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