Housing on the Mind? Tackling it Head-On.

Agency: Target


With skyrocketing interest rates and sticky prices, it’s no surprise that many Canadians have housing on their minds. A new campaign for the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada offers resources and support to help.

Teaming up with Target, Canada’s longest-standing independent agency, the government agency is tackling the issue head-on.

“Tiff Macklem shouldn’t be a household name,” says TJ Arch, creative director of Target. “But these days, we’re all thinking about housing all the time. Monitoring rates and trying to make budgets. And when you feel insecure about your housing finances, it’s hard to be at your best.”

The campaign brings to life the feeling so many Canadians have of being consumed by thoughts of housing by showing Canadians going about their daily lives with houses for heads. Literally. It’s a powerful visual that resonates with people across the country.

“We heard it in testing, people see themselves in this campaign,” says Arch. “Many Canadians feel the weight of housing concerns on their shoulders.”

The online video spot shows Canadians going through the motions of everyday life, with the line, It’s hard to focus on anything else when housing costs are on your mind, followed by a prompt to explore the free tools available to help manage their finances.

The campaign runs to the end of March 2024 across various media platforms, including online video and audio, radio, digital display, out-of-home, and social media. For more information, visit

This professional campaign titled 'Housing on the Mind? Tackling it Head-On.' was published in Canada in February, 2024. It was created for the brand: FCAC, by ad agency: Target. This Integrated medium campaign is related to the Public Interest industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted 3 months ago.


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