Finger Lickers

Agency: Mass Digital


For the first time ever, we ran a campaign for the brand where people aren't licking their fingers with KFC. Say what? Even though it sounds crazy, we found out that people lick their fingers when they eat other foods, but it's really because it all reminds them of KFC.

This professional campaign titled 'Finger Lickers' was published in Chile in March, 2024. It was created for the brand: KFC, by ad agency: Mass Digital. This OOH Outdoor and Print media campaign is related to the Food industry and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted 2 months ago.


Advertising Agency: MullenLowe Mass, Colombia
Production Company: MullenLowe Yeti, Colombia
ECD: David Patiño
ECD: Jaime Duque
Creative Director: Josué Núñez
Art Director: Juan Felipe López
Art Director: Jaime Duque
Copywriter: Josué Núñez
Photographer: Christian Dalos
Client: Ximena Sandoval

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