Envuelto en el abrazo de un momento que huele a serenidad en la piel. Respirando en la calma sin fin y con los ojos en el horizonte, anhelando prolongar los instantes y deseando dias sin final. Days Without End | Records

Inmerso en un sonido atemporal. Sinapsis de emociones que se pierden en el latido del cosmos. Tranquilidad que deshace el límite del horizonte. Instantes que suenan como días sin un final. Days Without End Records | Curando arte sonoro desde 2019

Viajando en un momento sideral que se mueve por tu mente. El corazón respira para que la piel pueda fluir en el presente. Sonrisa de verano, otoño, invierno y primavera. Atemporalidad sonora de días sin final. Days Without End Records

Envuelto en el abrazo de un momento que huele a serenidad en la piel. Respirando en la calma sin fin y con los ojos en el horizonte, anhelando prolongar los instantes y deseando dias sin final. Days Without End | Records


Days Without End is an independent record label conceived as an Art-Label with the aim of releasing music that takes a conceptual approach and is conceived as sound art rather than conventional songs. The catalog includes genres ranging from ambient music, new age, and tapelooping to experimental electronic. The focus is on making all the music chosen for the label feel timeless. These are sounds that invite repeated listening, creating an endless experience that transforms moments and days into what we refer to as "timeless": a space and time without end.
With that in mind, we aimed to create a series of graphics that, through the use of collage and geometric repetition, convey the notion of an idyllic moment that stretches eternally, generating a kind of visual timelessness encompassing the past, present, and future.

This professional campaign titled 'Days Without End' was published in Mexico in January, 2024. It was created for the brand: Days Without End Records, by ad agency: SoyJairoGuerrero / Creative Consulting. This Design, Digital, and Print media campaign is related to the Music industry and contains 4 media assets. It was submitted 5 months ago by Chief Executive Officer: Jairo Guerrero of SoyJairoGuerrero / Creative Consulting · México.


Advertising Agency (School): SoyJairoGuerrero / Creative Consulting México
Production Company: InHouse Mx
Art Director: Jairo Guerrero
Copywriter: Jairo Guerrero
Photographer: Envato / Pexels


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