Nacional Seguros 123 asegúrate

A timely medical checkup could save your life

Agency: Athos





Most people are reactive when it comes to taking care of their health. We only worry when something happens to us.

Many people are unaware of the importance of disease prevention through a medical checkup, since diseases such as cancer, when detected early, have a solution.

Time is a determining factor in the cure of many diseases.
As an insurance company, Nacional Seguros, wants to be close to its customers and the general public with a message that represents the urgency of having a medical checkup and the importance of doing it frequently, because if we let time pass, in this race against the clock, it may be too late.

A timely medical checkup could save your life.

We created an hourglass in the shape of some of the most frequent organs where cancer can be activated (the lungs, the liver and the cervix).

We also represented the fragility of the human body through a crystal that allows us to see how the sand of the clock advances, implying that every day we let go by counts.

This professional campaign titled 'A timely medical checkup could save your life' was published in Bolivia in April, 2024. It was created for the brands: 123 asegúrate and Nacional Seguros, by ad agency: Athos. This Digital, OOH Outdoor, and Print media campaign is related to the Insurance industry and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted 23 days ago.


Agency: Athos Bolivia
CCO: Fernando Fernandes, Pablo Jove
Creative Director: Ale Rojas
Creative Team
Alvaro Cuentas Paredes
Victor William Méndez Ugarte
Adrian Méndez Akamine
Ruben Antonio Escobar
Luis Acha
Daniela Hernández
Daphne Monroy
Rebeca Gutiérrez Gros
Fito Chipana Ramos
Val Montoya
Estefania Roja
Nicole Rivas
Ruben Ruiz
María Fernandez

Business Manager
Leslie Capobianco
Thalía Gonzáles
Maybeth Acevedo

Katerin Mabel Vera Moreira
Andres Barbery Roca
Carlos Abraham Gutierre Ali
Maritza Raquel Paredes Lobo


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