East Coast Jewelry

Really Big Love Note

Agency: Pumped


Starting on May 3rd, 2010, East Coast Jewelry invited the public to post a Mother's Day message for free on its microsite during Mother's Day week. The message was then broadcast in real-time onto an eye-popping 14 feet by 48 feet digital billboard on heavily trafficked Interstate 95. The promotion ended on Mother’s Day, May 9, 2010.

This professional campaign titled 'Really Big Love Note' was published in United States in May, 2010. It was created for the brand: East Coast Jewelry, by ad agency: Pumped. This Ambient medium campaign is related to the Personal Accessories industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 14 years ago.


Advertising Agency: Pumped, Miami, Fl, USA
Creative Director: Carlos Peña
Copywriter: Jef Loeb
Additional credits: Frances Alban


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