Brief: To promote home insurance services.
Insight: People do not believe that something might happen to their property to the bitter end. Burglary, break-in, flood or fire – they always take us by surprise.
Idea: In order to demonstrate the suddenness of a flood we use the IKEA shop, whose customers are used to the fact that everything is perfect there. We “flood” one of the rooms of the display area and hang a price list describing the services of the insurance company.
This professional campaign titled 'Höm Insvurannss' was published in Russia in March, 2013. It was created for the brand: American Family Insurance, by ad agency: MADS. This Ambient medium campaign is related to the Finance industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 11 years ago.
Advertising School: MADS, Moscow, Russia
Creative Directors: Arina Avdeeva, Denis Eliseev
Copywriter: Ilya Torgovnikov
Art-director: Mitya Katkin