
The Official Translator

School: The Pub School


When soccer players move to a new club in another country, they find themselves having to learn a new language. However, just because they are skilled on the field doesn't necessarily mean they're at picking up a new language, and we all know that.

We've noticed that there are people all around the world, including users of our app, who excel in the languages that soccer players often struggle with. And guess what? They're also passionate fans of these players. So, we've decided to give them the opportunity to become The Official Translators for their favorite players.

Our game plan seeks to motivate people through soccer, not only to start learning a new language but also to become the best at it. Because mastering a language isn't just about words – it's about unlocking a world of opportunities, just like the one we're offering. Being the official translator of your favorite soccer player. Who wouldn't want this?

This student campaign titled 'The Official Translator' was published in Colombia and Ecuador in April, 2024. It was created for the brand: Duolingo, by ad school: The Pub School. This Digital, Direct, and Experiential media campaign is related to the Education industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted 4 months ago by Copywriter : Paula Marín of BBDO ECUADOR.


School: The Pub School
Strategic Planner: Francisco Paredes
Copywriter: Camila Torres, Renato del Salto, Paula Marín
Art Director: Julián González, Diego Espinoza


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