

Agency: The Wonderful Agency


Teleflora, the world’s leading floral delivery service with other 10,000 florist shops in their network throughout North America has launched their Valentine’s Day campaign. Teleflora partnered with Emmy Award-winning host, comedian, and author Loni Love to encourage women to #LoveOutLoud this Valentine’s Day and uplift others in their lives. Throughout our digital lives we overshare everything, except our feelings for the ones we love. In its newest campaign, "Love Out Loud Truck,” Teleflora is encouraging you to go overboard and shower the special people in your lift with love - one handmade, hand-delivered Teleflora bouquet at a time.
In the ad spot, Loni takes to the streets of Los Angeles in Teleflora’s Love Out Loud truck to surprise women and share unexpected compliments and bouquets. We see heartwarming moments of how flowers and a special gesture can bring people together and start a movement. As Love journeys around the city, something beautiful happens — women start complimenting one another and the rest is all smiles and tears.

This professional campaign titled '#LoveOutLoud' was published in United States in January, 2022. It was created for the brand: Teleflora, by ad agency: The Wonderful Agency. This Integrated medium campaign is related to the Other industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted over 2 years ago.


Advertising Agency: The Wonderful Agency


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