Black Friday Mais que Auga

Agency: teiga, studio.


Máis que Auga is a Spanish gym chain and wanted to promote Black Friday with a very aggressive offer. To capture attention we created 3 creatives that showed different images of natural disasters that simulated a live news broadcast to capture attention with the message "we're making it very black for you with a promotion that sweeps".

This professional campaign titled 'Black Friday Mais que Auga' was published in Spain in November, 2022. It was created by ad agency: teiga, studio.. This Digital medium campaign is related to the Sports industry and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted 9 months ago by Creative Director: Xose Teiga of xose teiga, studio..


Advertising Agency (School): teiga, studio (Spain)
CreativeTeam: María Toucedo Cal, Laura Santos, Xosé Teiga
Creative Director: Xosé Teiga
Art Director: María Toucedo Cal, Xosé Teiga
Copywriter: María Toucedo Cal, Xosé Teiga
Video director: Laura Santos
Comunity manager: Laura Santos


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