Uber Red Cross


Agency: Impala67


Life Codes by Uber was a campaign that had several points of contact, and its realization required a joint effort with the Mexican Red Cross, Victimas de Violencia Vial and Reacciona por la Vida; associations with which data was collected and content was created with real accident victims to offer for the first time a solution to the biggest mobility problem affecting Mexico and that takes the lives of more than 15,000 people: drinking and driving.

We collected data and license plates of cars involved in accidents caused by drinking and driving and turned them into discount codes for people to go home in Uber, it all started with a video where the whole campaign was explained, we placed the plates in a bar in the CDMX and each of these plates was a life code with a discount to return home, we also generated a landing page where you could learn the story of the survivors behind that code.

But this campaign had to reach the whole country, so through influencers the following weekends the social networks were filled with Life Codes, active when accidents caused by drunk driving increase: Friday to Sunday from 9pm to 4 am. The campaign got people to redeem more than 10,000 life codes, but most importantly we managed to raise awareness and get people to use Uber as a real solution to a mobility problem in Mexico: don´t drink and drive.

This professional campaign titled 'LIFE CODES' was published in Mexico in November, 2022. It was created for the brands: Red Cross and Uber, by ad agency: Impala67. This Content, Experiential, and Integrated media campaign is related to the Automotive, Media, and Transport industries and contains 1 media asset. It was submitted 17 days ago.


Advertising Agency: Impala67
Creative Director: Gerardo Vila Alonso
Creative Art Director: Luis Torres
Brand: Uber
Cliente: Fernanda Madero
Producción: LANDIA

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