Banco Pichincha

Unforgettable Women


Unforgettable Women Case Study

Lourdes Jaramillo

Brígida Salas

Matilde Hidalgo

Hermelinda Urvina

Emilia Rivadeneira

Juana Miranda

Dolores Sucre


For most modern times, historical recounts were mainly by and about men, leaving many milestones of trailblazing women unrecorded and lost in history, without any visual proof and the recognition they deserve in society. That's part of the reason why women's achievements have gone unrecorded and lost throughout history. This is an especially prevalent issue in Ecuador, where underrepresentation is one of the many reasons why we're still many years away from closing the gender gap. So, we decided to honor and bring into the spotlight milestones achieved by trailblazing Ecuadorian women in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries. With the help of historians, we gathered information from thousands of historical documents to feed an artificial intelligence. During Women's Month, we portrayed never-seen-before pivotal stories in Ecuadorian history to inspire a new generation of women to change history.

This professional campaign titled 'Unforgettable Women' was published in Ecuador in March, 2024. It was created for the brand: Banco Pichincha, by ad agency: MULLENLOWE DELTA. This Digital, Direct, and Print media campaign is related to the Finance industry and contains 9 media assets. It was submitted about 2 months ago by Creative Director: Javier Galfre of MullenLowe.


Jose Miguel Sokoloff: President Mullen Lowe Global Creative Council
Pablo Salazar Guerrero: Commercial VP
Juan Ignacio Gallego: CEO
Carolina Ortiz: Chief Client Officer
André Pedroso: Chief Creative Officer
Marco Tapia: General Creative Director
Julieta Kropivka: General Production Manager
Karen Ospina: Account Director
Alexandra Vaca: Associated Creative Director
Javier Galfré: Associated Creative Director
Daniel Benavides: Digital Creative Director
Ana Paula Jácome: Copywriter
Ana Lucía del Hierro: Copywriter
Alejandra Santander: Copywriter
Fabián Vasquez: Art Director
Sebastián Echeverría: Art Director
Daniel Espinoza: Art Director
Karina Tenorio: Graphic Designer
Merin Zaa: Graphic Designer
Álvaro Jácome: Graphic Designer
Andrés Mendoza: Graphic Designer
Andrés Reinoso: Graphic Designer
Gabriel Narvaez: Agency Production Executive
Esteban Montenegro: Agency Producer
Juan Diego Enriquez: Editor and Postproductor
Jorge Yepez: Editor and Postproductor
María Henao: Event coordinator
Nora Sara: Art Curator
History Curation and Investigation: Angie Farfán

Production Company: THE OTHERS/BANG

Aloyse Dabe: Executive Producer
Alberto Tapia: Executive Producer
Yayo Alarcon: Director
Daniela Caicedo: General Producer
Alejandro Vivanco: Photography Director
Haydeé Rosero: Art Director
Pamela Proaño: casting
Katherin Romero: casting
Carlos Castillo: Technician
Rodian Ortiz: Technician
David Arciniegas: Sound Technician
Micaela Andino: Sound Technician
Guido Gostta: Location Scout
Telmo Arregui: Location Scout

Sound Design: Fletcher & Munson


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