Pets do not forget their jobs

School: Survival Agency


This is a message to all people to know the most important characteristics of pets, and that characteristic is represented by loyalty, which these pets cannot forget and this is reflected in the jobs that they perform.

This student campaign titled 'Pets do not forget their jobs' was published in Egypt and Qatar in February, 2024. It was created for the brand: PETA, by ad school: Survival Agency. This Design, OOH Outdoor, and Print media campaign is related to the Other, Pets, and Public Interest industries and contains 3 media assets. It was submitted 4 months ago by tokka: walid of Blue Monk Advertising.


Advertising Agency: Survival Agency
Production Company: DogCatto
Art Director: Walid Tokka
Copywriter: Walid Tokka

CNCH Picaras
Tiffany & Co.


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